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4:45 PM
Saturday, November 29, 2008

Woooooo... I'll be going to Sentosa to have fun later man! Will be back with pictures i guess. haha. hope we'll have lots of fun there and enjoy! BLACK ROASTED PORK WILL BE BACKKKKK~!!

12:45 AM
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

boredom at home man. its total stonage! i din even go near my doorstep since monday. i've been home gaming for the past 2days+today = 3days *omg~*tsk. My teammates will be leaving for Tw soon... and there will be only left with my female friend. But she will be leaving for Japan also=(( no more ppl to talk to. haha only left with my bro, KONG! I got all my choices except PureLit. im not very sure if i can cope with my Lit. caz my lit is like.... 59?! crazy sure fail one loh. need read 2freaking books. Tsk! need help.... 995 pls. Huayeow's dead. I wanted to drop that subj. but i can't. 2reasons. 1st, the date for appealing is over, and next year if i drop that subject, it will be dam ass problemo for me. 2nd,*NOT GONNA TELL U*.~! Will AddMath be tough? Hope not. haha my class will be fun i think.. so many cool ppl from our class... and from other classs... can't wait for Christmast and NewYear to come. but that will only draw me closer to my death line!! howhow. nvm just relax boy! haha kk thats all bb.

2:26 AM
Sunday, November 23, 2008

the fish market. crowded ehh. stinky and wet=/

those are fish blood. disgusting man. headless fishes( you wouldn be able to differentiate between ur blood and fish's blood if u die there)
kinda dark here.. where are my lights!!
view from the Singapore River *sniff* durian smells nicethe FREAK. lion head fish body! ahhh!! my mamaboys in the 1950s go for swims in the Singapore river. disgusting ppl. Eew

2:14 AM

I bully Evelyn. i said she was a lehcheh ahmah. wahahahah=)) hey yo LOK.

2:02 AM

woo i got good news and bad news for myself man. u guys wanna hear?? hehe. okay good news is, i will have milk to drink, all kind strawberry vanilla and choco milk=)) cool right?? okay here's the bad news. my parents bought 5cartons of milk for me =O=O=O=O! milk will be my water softdrink and everything for me man! omgeesh! OHMYGEE. oh yeah. yesterday i went for my night tour. very cool=) we went to kentridge park, lambrador park, we sat the bumboat, errrrrrrr a tour in the jurong fishery. omg man i tell u. the fishes are digusting there. the fishes can still move and breathe even when their body are chopped off. GOD help them man. u can see their mouth opening so dam wide grasping for air! OHMYMY... the blood there are in massive forms man. splurt splurt!! eew. fishmongers there are very rough. if u dun move, they'll just bang into u." siam ar siam ar" u dun move u get bang by wet fishes. eew=/ i'll be a cow from now on. OHMYMY!!!!!!!!!

8:31 AM
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

hey yo peeps. ahah hmmm.. today we went out to... er!! i forgot wait lemme think haah.SCHOOL! oh yeah i got into 3J with lots of ppl from 2E=) Potato said it was 16 of us, cool right!! sec1 to sec4 the same ppl=)) so coooool=))hmmm... we went to pizza hut for lunch jst now. we had student meal and we were allowed free flow of pepsi man! so steady! the waitress was like.... just pour finish, i drank all the pepsi up. she pour again, i drink finish. ahah so cool man... the pasta did not make me full, but it was the drink! THE PEPSI! haha. so steady lah. i requested for a bottle and the whole jug to OUR table. ahah but the waitress said NO. so mean. Hpmh! Alp pour alot of cheese on my plate, but i found using the spoon too slow. so, i tried using my straw! it works! alot alot faster=) super duper x100000 million times faster man. its like a vaccumm cleaner sucking up all the cheese. haha. i pity 3F even though theres alot of chiobus and shuaiges. CAZ MARIO IS THERE.. good luck guys if ur in 3F. haha

6:43 AM
Monday, November 17, 2008

we went out to orchard today to watch madagascar=) haha. those photos were taken when we're walking on the street

5:26 PM
Saturday, November 15, 2008

heyy yo guys. i haven been seeing u guys for quite some time, those days we had together are coming back into my mind. and they are still vivid=) hmmm. eugene, i miss those irritating moments u gave me and the fight we had during sec 1. i really miss the class alot. i even dreamt about u peeps in my dreams. i just cannot let go of the close bonding we had last time and really hope hope hope, hope that our class would stay together always and forever. i miss those times that we laughed our hearts out, and miss those time we studied together. guys can we meet up and do some chit chatting?? watch movie together and catch up with one another. bb

8:42 PM
Friday, November 14, 2008

hey yo peeps. been time since i've blogged. hmmm last night i was talking to "wall" and yeah.. was thinking about school uniforms. hmmm.. when we were in lower sec we peeps wear short pants and normal skirt. but why o why, when we are in upper sec, only the guys changes to long pants and yet girls still stay with their normal skirts? they should be wearing longer skirts like us wad. BIASED KIMSOON! haha jk. hmmm the vb girls are starting to enjoy their 5days at tw. hope they can enjoy their holiday there and come back healthly=). i think this hol my parents would just bring me to singapore one night tour=( but good enough. at least i can get to know more about my country and get to know more of those interesting places. sunday will be u-16 championship match. hope they will win the title home and bring shss and ms teo proud=) ms teo will be back in a couple of weeks. sometimes i really wish ms teo can come back earlier. and sometimes i wish that she never comes back. but life still has to go on, ms teo will still be back. okay lets enjoy this holiday and watch MADAGASCAR!

The day My juniors made us proud=))3:09 AM
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

hmmm its tuesday 11th nov, i woke up late to catch up with my juniors for bus72. i took the bus after them. managed to catch up with them, but 10mins late. haha. hmmm... i think the lost on sunday gave them a "wake up call" and yesterday i think they train really hard to beat this Chung Cheng High=) they really put in their very very best!=) they won them both sets. 25-13 and 25-14. it was a great jump as compared to sunday's match. yeah wad i think is, it was a super big waste they played like that on sunday. they could have won them easily just like this(snap fingers!) 2games have past. 3more to go. good luck and comeon guys u all can do it=) have faith in urself do ur best and nobody will blame u for being noob. trust me. you guys can do it to the finals!! haha pray yeahh.


Nov 9th afternoon 20086:31 AM
Sunday, November 9, 2008

hey yo guys ima back! had my new skin done and my links are halfway done. yeah credits to evelyn and zhiting. ahah they helped me through this stuffs. okayy after sleeping at 5.30am... i received a call from joshua at 7.00 he said he will be leaving home for hougang sportshall now. i was like 3/4 asleep, i told him to go without me as i only like had.... 1 and half hours of sleep? we hung thhe phone and i went back to sleep. ard 2mins later. i was like, shit! if i dun wake up now, no more free ride! i immediately made a call to joshua and asked him to wait for me. i brushed my teeth and washed my face. i pulled out my shirt and pants from the wardrobe and left it on my table beside my bag. i went to my room to get my wallet, and took my bag away. hmmm... i rushed to the bus stop and luckily josh's father and him just reached the bus stop like for 1min. so not really late. yeahhh on the way joshua was reading the street directory and giving directions to his dad. quite cool, i dun think i can read the map. haha. and yeah we reached hougang sports hall ard 7.50.... i was in my singlet and fbt shorts. ppl was laughing at me caz i wore fbt-wads wrong with fbt shorts? i wondered."NOTHING!" so i din bother abt them. Mr chia was like. hua yeow. u better get urself changed before playing ball with the sec1s. i told him i had my shirt and pants in my bag. after like... half hour or so. i wanted to go and have my sleeping attire changed. TERROR!!! i din put my shirt and pants in my bag before i leave the house. omgeeeeesh omgeeeesh!! i went ard asking ppl for extra PE shirt and pants. thank god chi yiu lent me his addidas pants and bryan lent me his pe shirt. life saving experience. haha! hmmmm.. peppered with the sec1s before they had their first match. today... i think they were panicking, all those bad habits started to show during the game. they lost the first and second set. i hope and pray that they will learn from today's lesson, buck up, pull up their socks and to improve on their skills. in fact, the opponent is like shit-no offence. they cant receive nor spike. wads so hard to win them? in my mind" peanuts " haha but i think they'll do million billion times better than today yeahhhh. hope they will do their utmost best for the next 4 matches even though it will be a very tough fight. yeah hope they will get into the 2nd round of challenge=)) i managed to make a new friend from hai sing catholic, zi cong's friend. we joked and play around, i think we're counted as friends now even though we din introduce ourselves. haha thats all for today!God bless you=)))

Saturday+Sunday morning5:34 AM

Hey yo peeps. this is my first blog and this is my first time=). hmmm wad made me to blogging, answer is evelyn!! haha she made me blog caz... she just made me blog. haha. aww today is just a terrible day. firstly in the morning, my mom woke me up from my beautiful dreams. drooling i guess haha. okay back, errr washed up... changed and went downstairs for breakfast. my father fetched my mom to the family clinic for checkup cazz mom felt sharp pains at the kidney area. yep, after my breakfast it was still very early for my tuiton as it starts as 1. it was 11.30 then. i went online, and went to chin yong's friendster profile. did some quiz and found out that i am crushing on someone. haha not telling you. errr... did a "are you gay survey" and unfortunately certified as a GAY. dammit which man would like to be gay you tell me huhhhh haha. yep im gay. but thats NOT the truth!! ahah. oh yeah they said im gay caz i picked pink out of the other colours,the 2 colours that i can remember vividly was blue and black. blue+black= oh ceh(blue black/bruise) haha. hmmm i like stars and rainbows. yep. and had done many quiz for that 40 mins. yep its time to go for tuition!!! its the last day of tuition, and i actually went to tuition. why? caz my friend wanted me to go as i had ponned the last 3 lessons and went for church service. which may be quite a waste of my parents money. $$crisis is a super duper big issue now. some may not think money is important. but i tell u, it IS very important. prices are rising. eveerything is increasing. when i reached the tuition centre, to my horror i found out that the teacher i normally had, had changed!!! i walked back out of the class and told the chinese teacher,lao shi wo jing cuo ban(teacher, i entered the wrong class) but in actual fact, i was in the right class. i didnt like the teacher's face as her glasses was toot and she was wearing SPORTS ATTIRE, seems like she had just finished her afternoon jog or smth like that. haha my friends were all looking at me. i called up my best tuition mates and went down stairs with them. we were chatting on where to go. we actually decided to go to bugis lan. but, after some thorough thinking, $$ was hard to earn. so yeahhh i turned back and went climbing up 5stories and went back to class. my friends laughed at me again. i told the teacher, lao shi wo kan cuo( teacher i saw wrongly) and by then, i was like..... 15 mins behind time.haha who cares. exam is over. yeahhh we sat down and i immediately asked. cher where is our ex teacher? where did she go? "she went for holiday, and will be back next week" replied the new toot teacher. she made us read boring lines but they had real deep meaning behind those lines. yep i did answer her questions, but with crap answers but they were correct. yeah after that was english and bla bla. i went for service after that but i din learn anything caz caz that pastor changed to an ang moh, which was good. but his accent was too strong and most of our cg members din understand wad he was trying to say for the past 2hours. yeah sort of wasted our time. but the songs were dammmmm cool. i prayed for my mom for mirical healing. doctor said that she had small kidney stones. i was like !!! when i heard the news. crap man its serious matter. hmmm yeahh went to BK for dinner.. went home. mom was in pain. the kidney hurt alot. i talked to her. chat about wad happened today. and yep carried on with my daily life. computer dota-ing msn-ing and etc. and then evelyn came popping by " hey hua yeow! cr8 a blog!!" haha i was like. wth my life has nothing much, it will be boring. but yeah im blogging now! haha. ho... my mom had great pain. she woke up at ard 1am in the morning? vomitting and she looks as pale as paper man. super white i tell u.
dammm super scary. dad called ambulance and sent her to CGH. the first thing i felt when i stepped into the ambulance was, eerie-ness and it was scary. its like, ambulance fetches ppl that are of all sorts, with wiped-away blood patches, and stuff like that. the whole family was very afraid, anxious and those words u can find in the thesauras that describes anxious. hmmm we panicked but nothing we can do. i prayed for mom during the short ride from home to hospital, praying that the lord will cleanse mom from the devil's work, cleanse the sickness cleanse everything bad and renew mom with a clean new life. free from all sickness and to be the superwoman and take care of the whole family=)) indeed He made the difference. mom aint getting any kidney stones, just urinary infection which is hell of a pain. after the zhi tong zhen mom felt like she was in heaven. caz the pain as if have brought her to hell. it was excruciating. i can feel that from the sight of her face. u will feel like crying. yep mom was saved. she's now back home resting and sleeping soundly.(i hope so) yep will continue blogging and praying for her. yeah i would like to thank cheryl, yep, for accompanying and yeah comforting me. thanks for everything=))) i will continue to blog and yeah BYEBYE!!!

hidden beneath, in those eyes of mine.

bold italic underline link

Le Profil'
de jun (dj)
15 going 16 years old
30 September26 1994


Worth $0.25
onelast-@hotmail.com (msn/friendster)
I love E341 :D


- Get Buffed Up(I'm serious about this brothers)
- Get l1R5 below 15 for my "O"
- Get The Ball Rolling


wonders that appear[Click Here]


input your music; anything, your poem of the week or whatsoever.input your music; anything, your poem of the week.

Must To Leave A Note, ORELSE!
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