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8:14 AM
Monday, December 29, 2008

Few more days to NY and Start of school!!! Both excited and afraid. haiii. should i finish my homework? or not. haha. big big issue man. i scared the botak muscular teacher come disturb me=(( BIG BIG ISSUE HERE MAN!!!

6:27 AM
Friday, December 26, 2008

this christmas was the 1st christmas i spent with my friends. i have enjoyed all my saturdays since i joined E341. the cell group most shss ppl joined. its the best cell group u can ever think of. hmmm most of the cell group members came over to my house on christmas eve. we ate, we drank, we laughed and we screamed! haha sam, tiff(maria),gwen and malcolm stayed over at my house till 5.30 in the morning man! they din go home. haha they slept over at my house. and now... tiffany is my maria. and im her sir. haha quite a fun game to play. u should go try.

10:47 PM
Sunday, December 14, 2008

went to malacca.. and the shopping centre was dam ass boring. the things there are like OBIT OBIANG. even our OG is better than them. HO geee... they suck man. my bro and i were too bored, till we took pictures with those plastic models and those advertisment posters.

10:37 PM
Friday, December 12, 2008

sob sob they left for taiwan ytd. but its okay. hmmm.. 2weeks without msteo and mrchia... kind of bored yeah. if msteo were to be training the juniors.. we'll be abit to slack that little bit. but now.. its seniors!=/ they're quite cool to mix around with. haha esp kenneth and kangwei. kenneth has many jokes to tell but he can be dam evil during punishments. kangwei... he is quite kind i can say. treats ppl to mac/taxi. haha hmm... that picture was taken at the airport after sending them off=/ bb take care guys

The day we planed our version of jail break=)))3:48 AM
Thursday, December 11, 2008

shit man... today woke up dam early for the dumb ass newpaper thingy. we were expecting some tour around the factory or something. but it end up with errmmmm 9 hours of listening?? wth man... we reached SPH at ard... 9. yeahh... sat down for 3 hours and listened to them talk some crap. wasted of lots of time. joel gerald alp and i planned a jail break shss version. we escaped from the "camp" and ran out of the compound. haha we wanted to go to x fire and play our hearts out. but... in the end mrs toh freakingly found out. haha. we did lots of talking on the phone, telling her how boring the thing was and she is like... "hey u know ahh.. Mr Yeoh Yam Hwee's and my name are on the list. we are responsible for u guys during this time period. and if u leave like this it is very very irresponsible of u. blablabla" we were sort of argueing with her and the others were calling up our own parents to get their consent to leave the compound. but in the end.. jail break failed. we went back to sit and listen to crappy ppl talk. HAI dui lian ahhh.. nvm lah. actually its caz the yeoh yam hwee talked to us dam nicely. then we gave in to him. haha actually not bad. got the Sarah Ann... that reporter came sitting on our table. haha WITH SKIRT O.O*stare stare*

8:42 AM
Tuesday, December 9, 2008

cowboys for the camp! jovin and i=)
this is my pillow man... plastic bag filled with used clothes. haha.

the bunks we slept in. unorganized man.. haha who cares!!

lol thats my sleeping bag and my stuff. jumbled everything up. cant pack!!

shit u bryan!! throw coke bottle at me! i caught u man!

haha this NavTeens Camp is really the best camp i've beeen to. BUT for this year's camp... we had a super hard life man.. GUESS WAD! " wad! " when we sleep in the classrooms at night right.... it gets super duper cold during the night. then when we wake up we got to bathe in ultra cold water. shivering from my hair to toe nails i tell u.!! 1st day our team cleaned 4classrooms man!! tiring job. 1st... sweep the floor. 2nd mop the floor. 3rd! wipe the windows and polish it. 4th 5th 6th... bla bla bla still got alot more. haii... we got 8freaking mins to bathe for the 1st night man! wth lah. everyone was like. " EHH FASTER!! I WAN BATHE!!" haha it was dam dam super funny when we're in the toilet. i was like. " wahhh siao liao.. washing area all full HOW HOW HOW!!" haha i rushed to the basin and washed my head there. dirty like some rubbish dump. but anyhow... i managed to bathe in 6mins! im pro man!!
2nd day we had lots of fun. we watched a clip on those africans starving, no water to drink and lots more. my heart sank man. when i saw a little boy. eating camel's shit and bathing when the camel is pee-ing. i held back my tears when i saw that. God, gave us such a great life but how come, ppl in africa must suffer that much?? after that, we then realised why our bathing was being timed. it was caz, we must learn how to save water, save our resources. there are so many disabled ppl out there, suffering and they still lived on. and we played a game. some ppl were blindfolded for half an hour, some were lame and some were unable to use their hands. we had to feed them during lunch. i can tell u. the feeling was very bad. you had to depend on others to eat ur lunch, to move from place to place and more. hmmmmm... we had only 4mins to bathe that day, so yeahh we stink.
3rd day was... BUILDING TIME!!! we had to build a water structure, that is able to transport water from one point to another point. we made used of recycled materials like, water bottles, can drinks, toilet rolls, straws and more. we created quite an interesting structure, which is like... a spiral.... then there's a wheel at the bottom. ahhh i dunno how to describe it. ONLY PICTURES CAN! but they aint with me=( hmmm... we played many games=) TONG KA TONG KA! TUKI TUKI TUKI TUKI! PILI PALA PILA PALA! haha alfred sucked at rhythm games. he had to do many many forfeits. haha dam funny.
4th day was the best, we had the water structure launched, it was a success. but the water wasnt strong enough, the water mill din move much. hai!! wad a waste. hmmm... 4th night we had Wild Wild West. we all had to dress up in either cowboys or red indians. the labourers there thought us how to do cowboy dances. it was really cool man!! but the dance is exhausting and had many steps to remember. the guys were supposed to fetch the girls from their bunks to the hall. we had to hold hands man. COOOL!!! hehe cheeky. err... we had to serve them water... food... blabla. we had a chance to dance with them man. so fun=))))!! i really miss them all. miss the fun and the dance!
5th day, pack up and cleaning up day. nth much loh.. our team had to clean the canteen and the hall. wahh i tell u. i can feel how the canteen aunties felt when they cleaned the canteen everyweek man. so super tiring i tell u. if u're attending any camp, just pray thats its not in a school, if it is, better hope that there aint cleaning sessions. haha or you'll have a chance to clean toilets classrooms and canteen. haha thats all dudes!
sry guys i din blog for so long. real sorry

12:47 AM
Wednesday, December 3, 2008

hey hey hey!! cant wait for nav camp to start man. its like... 2 days away only. haha i will miss service cell group and bs though=( sorrryyyy... hmmm.. today we did many exercises in school. kinda creative. ms teo made use of rubber to do body exercises. kinda cool=) cowboy suit for the camp? i dunno wad to wear! darnnnnn. ideasss... anyone??

6:24 AM
Monday, December 1, 2008

oops.. very little pictures taken that day. haha sorry! not my fault.. ohoh... MsTeo came back to train the juniors today. kind of fun, seeing them getting scolded, and those old memories start to come back. "we used to do that drill!!""we used to get scolded that way!!" haha. quite fun. slacked the whole day, and received a new joursey from MrChia. quite cool... love it=)

hidden beneath, in those eyes of mine.

bold italic underline link

Le Profil'
de jun (dj)
15 going 16 years old
30 September26 1994


Worth $0.25
onelast-@hotmail.com (msn/friendster)
I love E341 :D


- Get Buffed Up(I'm serious about this brothers)
- Get l1R5 below 15 for my "O"
- Get The Ball Rolling


wonders that appear[Click Here]


input your music; anything, your poem of the week or whatsoever.input your music; anything, your poem of the week.

Must To Leave A Note, ORELSE!
the talk of the town.

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