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5:22 PM
Monday, January 26, 2009

Hey all... its the 2nd day of CNY. i wanna wish u all a happy niu year and God bless u=). yesterday was kinda boring. went round to other ppl's house to collect red packets was my ultimate motive. haha. dang... this year was much better than last year's i collected 122bucks this year, and last year was just merely reaching 100.=) haha VALENTINE'S IS COMMING!! aww man... tomorrow school will be starting tomorrow=( bahkua spree will stop then. hai. junior's east zone is round the corner. never seen them chiong so hard for training before, i really hope they can get into top 4 and get a medal or smth. hmmm Ms Teo really made them bond and made them seriously train hard=) haha. now, they really know that they are ____ and know that they cant be cocky anymore.=) happy cny and best wishes=)!

6:53 AM
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Woo!!! i guess something great is gonna fall on me tmr! yeah man! YEAH YEAH! wooo. OH I JUST FOUND OUT SOME EXTRAODINARY MAN. guess wad. WAD?
my mom brought me out to shop for my CNY shoe today. kinda cool. bought a black... converse shoe. dam swee and steady one=) aha. my shoe size is 10 btw=). i slot both my feets into the shoe, and was shocked to find out my LEFT feet is BIGGER than my RIGHT'S cool right!!=)) i think it's 2/3cm longer than my right feet. so cool lah. can't imagine someone's feet to be of 10cm difference! haha

4:12 AM
Monday, January 19, 2009

sometimes some things really bother me very much. but sometimes, some things are just nothing to me. E.G!!! cleve chia's heart piercing flaming whatever words. they really hurt me at times. haiiiii... is Mr Ong really blind or is Mr Chia really that good? 1year in our school and get promoted to a L.C?? wth man! unfair! bias! i really worked very hard for the ___ and yet i dun get to go ___. when ppl scolds me with vulgarity or nasty words, i just dun take it to heart. haha let bygones be bygones yeah? let the light be my direction to a world without stabbers. an eye for an eye makes everyone blind, so.. NO revenge, NO grudges=) woooo
CNY IS COMING!! GUYS RU PREPARED!!!??? woo... dong dong dong qiang. dong dong dong qiang dong qiang dong qiang!:)!!! i've bought my 2sets of stylo meeelo shirt and jeans loh!BE PREPARED! TO SEE THE STYLO MEELO ME=)!!!!!!!

5:42 AM
Friday, January 16, 2009

Use the letter of your FIRST name to answer each of the following. They have to be real places, things or names... nothing made up! Try to use different answers if someone infront of you had the same first initial. you CAN'T use your name for the boy/girl question. tag 5person to do this hard but fun survey.

The 5 person im gonna tag:

1.Famous artist/band/musician-HelloGoodBye
2.Five letter word- HEAVY
3.US state-Hampshire
4.Boy name-Harold
5.Girl name-Helen
7.Something that you wear-Hat
9.Something found in the kitchen-Heater
10.Reason for being late-Huat-ing
11.Something that u shout-HUAT AR!!!
12.Body part-Hand

I love rainbows and lollipops!(by felicia)4:34 AM
Thursday, January 15, 2009

LOL. today sucked totally. i have been ah chu-ing and runny nose-ing since morning. !!! i owe KS 14 pull ups? caz i used 14tissues of his. haii... can imagine how much fluid have flown out from me. tsk tsk. today todayyy haha i think this year's english teacher is better than last year's no offence mrs toh... i learnt more stuffs from mrs kuek than toh. hmmm.. even though she may be quite old, but atleast we give her more respect=) she taught me some new words that i never encountered before in my 14years=)))!! she rock!! but she tend to be somewhat deaf. she cant really hear our calling. hmm ADD MATHS ROCK MORE THAN EMATHS!!! indices SUCK as usual=) even kong says so! rock on kong! ass shaker :)
we played with the B girls today. wahhh S amanda... smart player sio... super duper tiring. yesterday lah that mr chia... made us run to the stadium without stretching. then now my leg super ache. hai. hmmm... sec 3 is really busy. the number of posts i've made this week will show u how busy sec3 life is=(

9:31 AM
Saturday, January 10, 2009

Hmm... started off today with a scolding. as usual... my dad will ask me the same old question which he have been asking since im sec 1. ass...
Dad: "one week training how many times?"
Me: " err... actually is 5 but i got tuition on tuesday. so.. 4."
Dad: " HUH?! 4?! u sure fail ur exams badly 4times per week is mad. only crazy ppl train 4times a week. 4trainings means 1 day to study. then saturday u still have to go to church, that means one week study one time. u better quit ur cca"
Me: in my mind was. "asshole.. the same old question. i told him so many times that i got training 5times a week since sec1 and he still continue asking me every fortnight. wth is wrong with him?"
He asked me the same old question twice over the period of... 1day? like.. last night when having dinner. he asked me that question and i dun bother answering. i held myself back and stuffed all the food left into my mouth and walked away. if not, i'll be talking at the top of my voice.=) luckily i did not. and today, he asked me again. and i walked off angrily.
i asked my mom. "ma.. wth is wrong with him man. since last year he have been asking me this question and i hate ppl to ask me quit my CCA and stop church" she answered me with " he is worried about u mah.." then i.. suan le lah. haii... bear with it loh. i'll try and score better for this semester and chuck the report card into his face.
hmmm... this afternoon... funny thing. err!!! there was this lady doing her flag day thingy. i walked up to her and already prepared my 50cents.
Lady: would u like to..
and i already dropped the coin into the tin and took the sticker. haha she haven got the chance to finish her sentence! haha.
some ppl are just pure lazy, and some are just hardworking. i saw this bunch of ppl, who were told to collect donations for their flag day thingy. but they were hanging around in BK havin their breakfast and chatting, some were loitering around the mall... and talking. and those that were hardworking, went round asking ppl to donate and blabla. k lah. the night was quite fun. ate dinner with hubert and all... PRATA! chris told us that he never had prata in his life before. he is a deprived kid man. pity him.

5:42 AM
Friday, January 9, 2009

wah piangg.. i totally hate indices man. they suck to the balls man! OH i saw a bird today in school, i tried to scare it off, but it just wont fly. haha but im a man of passion=) i left it alone. unlike those 3K GUYS hor... ask me catch it. haii pathetic ppl. lol. kk back to indices. the mr loo talk alot of things, but i just dun like that freaking chapter. i find amaths more interesting. but its TRICKKKY. ahhhh i wasted all the afternoons for this week. all i did was pass balls to ms teo/ senior for them to spike to the juniors. time wasted was alot, i can use them to do alot of things man! hai... "yesterday is history, today is present tense and tomorrow is mystery" we did this short compo during english lesson. kinda fun=) caz i made fun of tomorrow is mystery part. aha

7:53 AM
Saturday, January 3, 2009

1. The person who tagged you:
2.Your relationship with her.
My E341 cell mate
3. Your 5 impressions of him:
errrr... funny, total crazy abt beer, crappy to the max, smart & 1of my best cell mate
4. The most memorable thing that she has done for you:
sacrificed her house to let us party during christmas
5. The most meorable thing that she has said to you:
6. If she becomes your lover, things she has to improve on:
Wth.. never thought that far
7. If she becomes your enemy,
patch back with that person?
8. What is the thing you want to tell her now:
good job, u made me do this quiz
9. Your overall impression of her:
10. How do you think the person around you will feel about you:
Krazily mad
11. The character you love about yourself is:
Constantly Laughing
12. The character you hate about yourself is:
The one that gets pissed
13. The most ideal person you want to be:
To be me, me and me
14. For people who cares and likes you, say something to them:
15. Pass this quiz to 10 people to see how they feel about you:
2.Zhi Ting
7.Amanda Tang
10.anyone that reads this
16. who is n.o. 6 with?
17. is n.o. 9 male or female?
18. if n.o7 and n.o 1 get together, will it be a good thing?
they're the same person. wad do u think?
19. What is n.o. 2 studying about?
The things im studying?
20. when was the last time you chat with n.o. 3?
21. what kind of music does n.o. 8 like?
i have no idea?
22. does n.o. 1 have siblings?
23. will you woo n.o. 3?
Errr... maybe.. maybe not! big question man.
24. how about n.o. 7
25. is n.o. 4 single?
Yes. i think
26. What is the surname of n.o.5?
27. What is the hobby of n.o.1?
Have no idea
28. Does n.o 5 and n.o.9 get along well?
Of coz.
29. Where is n.o. 2 studying at?
30. Talk something about n.o. 1
She smiles and laughs often
31. have you tried developing feelings for n.o. 8?
=.= bad question
32. Where does n.o. 9 stay?
33. are n.o. 1 and 5 best friends?
34. does n.o. 1 have pets?
No idea
35. is n.o. 7 the sexiest person on earth?
Hey! shut up man! my mom is the one!
36. what is n.o. 1 doing now?
How the heck i know? im not her dad.

6:03 AM
Friday, January 2, 2009

whahahah. first day of school was so dam exciting loh!! 1st day of school, mr bakar already started calling me huahua. haha he is hell a fun teacher man!! jokes and more jokes! hmmm... cant wait for monday to come=) hmm... i received my gifts today. thanks ting,mel and team=) thanks for the watch yeahh. its dam cool! love it=) hmm... today was the first day, i seen the sec2s receive so dam well man. their hands never went above 9oclock man! so cool=) even ms teo praised them! haha thats all boys..

hidden beneath, in those eyes of mine.

bold italic underline link

Le Profil'
de jun (dj)
15 going 16 years old
30 September26 1994


Worth $0.25
onelast-@hotmail.com (msn/friendster)
I love E341 :D


- Get Buffed Up(I'm serious about this brothers)
- Get l1R5 below 15 for my "O"
- Get The Ball Rolling


wonders that appear[Click Here]


input your music; anything, your poem of the week or whatsoever.input your music; anything, your poem of the week.

Must To Leave A Note, ORELSE!
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