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I need a new lifestyle!!!!!6:53 AM
Sunday, May 31, 2009

fuck lahhhh seriously. my mother too much liao can. i cant take it anymore liao lah!! everyday naggggggg at me about tuition, studies, volleyball, physics tutorial disc. x1000000 times per day! u get wad im saying? a mom like this can kill 100000000huayeow man. 1 is enough to kill that amount of me.

i seriously find other moms more cool can. omg sia. i cant even vote for the colour of my room, such simple stuff cant even be fulfilled. wth. study study study study study. everything also study, i seriously can die in the hands of books. and humans will not be the murderers. TREES WILL. how i wish police can catch them all up. MURDERERS. bloody toot, must i really mugg that hard this holiday?

now she wants me to quit church untill end of O levels. i dun think i'll listen to her for that.

Beginning of the Hols10:25 PM
Friday, May 29, 2009

hmm.. hols have already started i guess. today and tmr might be the only fun day i'll have this june hol if i dun quit vb, but if i do, i'll be having fun every single munchy day. but i'll still have to revise a little on my work. =)) 30points for my midyear. aint gonna be discouraged. caz my combined humans and lit could have passed. i love mdm wong can!!=) 2nd favourite teacher in school! SHE ROCKS man. heh takes care of us alot alot. mama wong!!=) kk i'll go play my games woot! church service later HOLAAAA!!

5:46 AM
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

K... had tons of fun today, but ended up with a stupid ring worm at my inner hips. shit man i dun think i can run tmr. intense pain man. total pain, im walking like a duck around my house now. darnnnnn i must run tomorrow lah. i think if ppl replace me sure cmi. so must chiong. apply one whole hand of baby powder before running. after that i'll walk around like a duck and dun care wad others say and think about me. WOO water soccer bossa ball captain ball carrom sandwich making human table soccer. those were the games we had today in school. but only managed to play captain ball and bossa ball. wahlaooo i wanted to play water soccer lah! but teo bu dun allow. stupid sia. urghhhh i MUST play this thurs. MUST MUST MUST! and i must run my fastest tomorrow. cannot let Toh Tay and Chan down. we were the 2nd in relay team last year. must get something tomorrow also.

Athelete shirt was kinda cool. kevin says it looks nice on me. and i think so too. lol ego ego=)) haha competed push up with mr bakar today. he got to do 210 for me to do my punishment man!! hope he fails to complete

5:31 AM
Thursday, May 21, 2009

Somethings are really not just meant for me, studies --> 5fails the worst in my whole entire shit life. i screwed this shit midyears and hope i wont screw the next one. bloody hell 5 leh. 5 LEH!! omg. pardon me for my vulgarities but fuck man. 5 fail cant fucking take it. english fail amaths fail phy fail combine humans and pure lit FAIL. stupid nugget fat shit. haven tell my parents about the 5 failures. dun think they can take it. haiii why the teachers wanna mark o level standard and make me fail so badly... cant they just make life easier for us?? pushing us to the limits and making us fail aint the best way to improve our studies and make our school an elite school man. this totally sucks

4:14 AM
Sunday, May 17, 2009

It has been a harrassment all the while to me, need someone to help me solve my problem who will that be? can someone help.. Holidays are waving at me, but volleyball trainings are the wall separating me from them. i could have spent my holiday so carefree, gym friends movies wadeva.. but it will be a dam big thing that will take up all of my time. parents and bro have been telling me to not waste my time there, and i really find that it reallly really is wasting my time, since sec2. training hard, yet bear no fruits. things are being promised, but never fulfilled. shit wad promise is that? i dont know. i dun think it is a promise at all to me, nobody felt that it was too. caz she never NEVER do wad she said. its like giving us a path of hope, but with lots of shattered glass on the floor. never had the chance to go near that goal. "Life is wonderful " a song by Jason Mraz, i only feel so sometimes. but not all the time just sometime. Couldn't stop thinking of how much, how much fun i can have if i left it aside long time ago. ppl have been having fun in the holidays for the past 2half years, and i've always been the one. sitting down at the side taking those shit jobs. never felt happy there, only just sometimes.

got to talk to someone man.

Happy Mother's Day=)5:33 AM
Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!!=) Happy Mother's Day to all wonderful moms! If not for them there wont be us! Still in the midst of exams... last 4 crucial days, why? caz the pures are next week. Pure Lit Pure Chem Pure Phy. =(( Emaths paper 1 and Elect HY!! ELECT HUAYEOW? omg. no lah its history. Bleh.. never get anything for my mom . atall. feel so bad. hope my scores will be her best mother's day present and birthday present. but i dun think they'll be good. so.. it's okay! still got one half year for me to jiayou!=) comon i can do it. haha self-motivation is tuff.
The exquisite you, the wonderful piece of art

hidden beneath, in those eyes of mine.

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Le Profil'
de jun (dj)
15 going 16 years old
30 September26 1994


Worth $0.25
onelast-@hotmail.com (msn/friendster)
I love E341 :D


- Get Buffed Up(I'm serious about this brothers)
- Get l1R5 below 15 for my "O"
- Get The Ball Rolling


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