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9:17 PM
Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year Guys!:)

Went to Amanda's house that evening. Spammed "together" on mio tv!!!=) so cool i watch finish episode 28 le! the next one will be 29=) heh pwn u guuys lahhhh! and and DAVID SO CUTE! i fed him man! and and i carried him around the condo, brought him to playground and swimming pool heh he damn cute=) the way he hugs his soft toys i cant believe that he named his porcupine " norman " and his dog " edward " so cute sial. "DAVID! HUG NORMAN! " he'll have some lagg time. thenn HUGGGG SO TIGHTLY. veh veh cute=) i think that's the best part of new year's eve i guess..

Always hated noisy crowds. But too bad i got no where else to go, therefore sam's house. But okay lah. See their happy faces, can lighten me up abit heh. But i wished i was at amanda's house all the night. Can watch the chinese drama with her mother. SHE'S A REAL BIG FAN OF THAT DRAMA ALSO!!!! my gosh. i found my tv partner=) next time during holidays when im free, drama with tang's mom=) and play with David=)

Nothing much bout my how i spent my New Year's eve. caz it sucked. except the part where i went to amanda's house=) Her Parents = Awesome parents.

6:54 AM
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

That's what i longed for every Christmas, that's what i dreamed for every Birthday.

6:57 AM
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Awesome song=) listen and ya'll will love it so much.
I'm Not Surprised

Not Everything Lasts

I've Broken My Heart So Many Times,

I Stop Keeping Track.

Talk Myself In

I Talk Myself Out

I Get All Worked Up

And Then I Let Myself Down.

I Tried So Very Hard Not To Loose It

I Came Up With A Million Excuses

I Thought I Thought Of Every Possibility

And I Know Someday That It'll All Turn Out

You'll Make Me Work So We Can Work To Work It Out

And I Promise You Kid That I'll Give So Much More Than I Get

I Just Haven't Met You Yet

Mmmmm ....

I Might Have To Wait

I'll Never Give Up

I Guess It's Half Timing

And The Other Half's Luck

Wherever You Are

Whenever It's Right

You Come Out Of Nowhere And Into My Life

And I Know That We Can Be So Amazing

And Baby Your Love Is Gonna Change Me

And Now I Can See Every Possibility

Mmmmm ......

And Somehow I Know That It Will All Turn Out

And You'll Make Me Work So We Can Work To Work It Out

And I Promise You Kid I'll Give So Much More Than I Get

I Just Haven't Met You Yet

They Say All's Fair

And In Love And War

But I Won't Need To Fight It

We'll Get It Right

And We'll Be United

And I Know That We Can Be So Amazing

And Being In Your Life Is Gonna Change Me

And Now I Can See Every Single Possibility
 Mmmm .....

And Someday I Know It'll All Turn Out

And I'll Work To Work It Out

Promise You Kid I'll Give More Than I Get

Than I Get Than I Get Than I Get
Oh You Know It'll All Turn Out

And You'll Make Me Work So We Can Work To Work It Out

And I Promise You Kid To Give So Much More Than I Get

Yeah I Just Haven't Met You Yet 
I Just Haven't Met You Yet

Oh Promise You Kid

To Give So Much More Than I Get

I Said Love Love Love Love Love Love Love .....

I Just Haven't Met You Yet

Love Love Love .....

I Just Haven't Met You Yet

7:48 AM
Monday, December 28, 2009

It didn't come trueee! Haha its okay=) Hope next year's wish will come true. 2010 is coming yo. any new resolutions?=) For me... my new year's resolution will be ummm... Be able to focus and study, healthy and happy. That's about it=) What's ur new year's resolution!! tell me! i wanna know=)

Oh. genting sucks. guess why! cazzzz... if u drive there, its 350++km journey which will take u close to 4 hours? and its stupid to go to genting's theme park in the christmas season. guess why. my bro, my maid and i paid 59Rm each to take 2rides only. 2 pathetic rides. how cool. the average waiting time for each ride is 1hour. imagine how long the que is=) EVEN THE KIDDIEST RIDE IN THE THEME PARK, THE WAITING TIME IS ALSO 1HOUR LONG. dumb. totally dumb. caz i got pissed off while waiting. PPL CUT MY QUE SOMEMORE! not going there in the christmas seasons anymore. totally waste of time.
BUTTTT the only fun thing was. there's many many babies and toddlers=) can play with them hah

Genting baby!7:02 AM
Friday, December 25, 2009

7:17 AM
Thursday, December 17, 2009

"May all your dreams come true!"

I really do hope that this phrase/quote will be real to me, caz i really had an awesome dream and i want it to come true.

Job for today!
Our job today was kinda slack, just go round shaking ppl's hands, say "merry christmas sir/miss, would you like to take a photo with us?" If they say " no its fine" we'll reply with " ohkay thankyou sir/mdm have a nice day good bye" and a smile of course:)
But from our observations, the westerners are more friendly in a way. Most of them accepted our offer for pictures. Unlike Singaporeans, so shy. Haha

7:43 PM
Monday, December 14, 2009

You Dropped By To Hear Me Say

How are you?

Everything all right?

Loves being around you!

Loves to see you soon!

Often in the midst of my thoughts <3

So what's your reply?

7:14 PM

Be the one, always right beside me

All i want for Christmas, is you

8:30 AM
Sunday, December 13, 2009

3 Things to talk about if you're sharing ur testimony to friends. (Before, During, After)
*nothing to be ashamed of*
Before getting saved
-vulgarities like mad
-blue film
-bad company
-alcohol (little)
-not much love from friends
-etc etc

-felt God's love for myself
-felt the love from ppl in church
-felt the importance of the Lord in my life
-saw the light in my future

-changed personality
-much much much lesser vulgarities
-no more blue film from the time since i converted
-got to know much more friends, like i knew more ppl from express to na to nt. and they're all nice ppl
-consistent in going to church
-blessed with friends that understand and loves me
-a higher amount of allowance
-etc etc

3:14 AM
Sunday, December 6, 2009

Annual Nav Teens Camp will be held starting from tomorrow!=))) so so excited, but not for the special night part caz i got nothing to wear! Pirate Pirate Pirate... Die lahh hai kk nvm i'llllll improvise and make myself look utterly cool:)

Anyway guys, those that read my blog, i'll be back on the 11th of december 2009 if you're still lagging behind, its already 2009 and soon it'll be 2010. New resolutions, what will they be?=) i'll tell u guys mine when the year gets closer to the end.

I Love You.

11:55 PM
Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Wahhh finished like 7 USSWs with adam today at Crown Plaza hotel. The one at Terminal 3. ehh i tell u smth damn cool. THEIR WIRELESS INTERNET CONNECTION ROCKS MAN. super duper fast. IM SO EXCITED FOR NAV CAMP!!=)

7:17 AM

Me :" ehh bro. Christmas is coming, i wanna get a cheap guitar i think im addicted to it, do u mind forking out some money to buy me a guitar? As my Christmas present. =) "
Bro :" you siao ah. next year will be ur O levels, and now u tell me u want to learn guitar? no way mummy wont allow also. learn it afte ur O's lah! u got so much time after that. "

Hmm.. maybe, i really shouldn't get a guitar caz i might be spending most of the time on it. But, my idea on buying and learning a guitar is to like play it to express my feelings. Think it'll not come true, untill after that "O level boss" is over. So, for the time being, i'll just use someone's guitar to practise!

"Down, down, down-up, up up-down" "Down, down, down-up, up up-down"
"Down, down, down-up, up up-down" "Down, down, down-up, up up-down"
" G, E Minor, C, D "                        " G, E Minor, C, D "
" G, E Minor, C, D "                        " G, E Minor, C, D "

3:39 AM
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

My new found passion. Im gonna save up for a guitar on my own, and i'll get it during christmas. You guys are welcome to chip in some money $$ Sing dollars, for me to buy my guitar!

hidden beneath, in those eyes of mine.

bold italic underline link

Le Profil'
de jun (dj)
15 going 16 years old
30 September26 1994


Worth $0.25
onelast-@hotmail.com (msn/friendster)
I love E341 :D


- Get Buffed Up(I'm serious about this brothers)
- Get l1R5 below 15 for my "O"
- Get The Ball Rolling


wonders that appear[Click Here]


input your music; anything, your poem of the week or whatsoever.input your music; anything, your poem of the week.

Must To Leave A Note, ORELSE!
the talk of the town.

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